How massage can help you beat the winter blues?


The chilling days of winter are on the way, and it is often lead to us staying indoors more, eating more, sleeping more and working/exercising less. This causes a lot of discomfort in our body. We indeed love many things about winter, but there are other things that can bring problems too. But, you can fight off the negative effects of cold weather by slotting in some massage to your winter schedule. Yes, dealing with the winter blues can be as easy as booking an appointment with a massage therapist. Let us find out how-



Image source: remedygrove

We will start with the blues of winter itself. Our emotional and psychological wellness is utmost important, and we need to care about it in order to stay healthy and stress-free. Opting for regular massage can be a great way to get your body and mind out of the winter funk and keep yourself lively and positive. The massage has a power of touch that improves serotonin and dopamine production, which helps reducing depression, anxiety, and seasonal affective disorder. Bye, bye winter blues!



Image source: womenshealthmag

Catching cold is one of the most common things in the winter. Being out for long might make you catch cold very often. But, did you know that massage therapy can increase lymph flow in your body to fight off bacteria and infections? Massage can boost your immune system during such season, so that your body can fight off the cold and flu.



Image source: insideouterbeauty

Dry skin is probably the first thing you will notice in winter after the dark nights. Less humidity, blazing heater, dry air, and blustery wind can make the water in your skin evaporate quickly. Massage therapy is popular and known to improve skin hydration during the months of winter. Oils and lotions used in carrying out massage contain a significant amount of vitamin E that gets absorbed in your skin, making it feel more nourished and hydrated.


We all know what shoveling does to us. Cold fingers, numb feet, and tired muscles are everything we do not like about winter. Getting a massage after shoveling is what your lower back, shoulders, and forearms scream for, as it helps decreasing inflammation, and repairing muscles.



Image source: ninacheriefranklin

Low temperature in winter days can cause blood vessels to constrict, which result in decreased blood circulation and increased blood pressure. This can bring many discomforts, pains, aches, and arthritis. Getting regular massage can help enhance the blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and increasing temperature throughout your body. This will allow your body to function in a better way.

I hope you would have understood the benefit of getting massage therapies during winter months. Now, all you have to do is find a reliable Physical therapist in Grande Prairie or other part of the country you are living in, to get started with the massage magic. For this, you can also take help of the internet.

Stay healthy!


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