While dealing with a bank or any other form of financial institution, an individual might come across terms such as “credit history,” “credit file” and “credit report.” These terms, though commonly used in the world of banking and finance, are mostly unknown to the general public. Well, going by its most basic denotation, credit file can be defined as the stockpile of raw data about an individual’s legal and financial records. These raw data usually constitutes of that individual’s personal information like name, address, date of birth, place of employment; financial details like salary, net income, the total value of assets, previous loans and mortgages, expenses, public records, and inquiries. The credit history is made up of the financial activities of the individual. The credit report is all this data in an organized, analyzed and presented in a way so that it can be read by customers and creditors alike Blogonfinance
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Many people go through life spending a large amount of money on sudden whims. What they do not realize is that their bills are shown in the credit history. While applying for a loan, a mortgage or a credit card, the creditor organization is bound to check out your credit history to get an idea of how likely you are to repay the loan you are asking them to grant. Any record of bad or unpaid debts, excessive and unnecessary expenditures damages your reliability as an applicant. It would thus prove difficult for you to be granted loans or credit cards. Hence, it is important to create a credit file and monitor your credit activities.
That way, you are aware of your financial track records and know how to manage your money accordingly. Hence, to know your credit history and build your file, you can search “get my credit history” on Google. The search result will take you to some websites that belong to companies in the credit repairing industry. These companies will help you in collecting your raw data and compiling your credit history into a readable report. Some other reasons for you to check them out are-
- You can assess your raw data and draw up your file by yourself. It will not cost anything but the process will surely take up much time, by which time you may lose financial opportunities. These companies will draw up your credit file with professional efficiency and within one or two days.
- By doing your credit file yourself, you may miss out on some important or adverse information. This mistake can be avoided by using professional and experiences help.
- Your personal information will only be accessed with your permission. It will remain confidential and will not be disclosed under any circumstance.
- You can also get histories of bad debts or mortgages, sudden expenses removed. That way your credit report will appear more credible to prospective creditors.
- Monitoring your credit file will ensure that you are aware of all your financial activity and immediately known in case of fraudulence.
Image source: Linkedin
By now, you should understand the importance of keeping track of your credit history. So, hurry up and search “get my credit history” today only!