Brand Building on Instagram: Do’s and Don’ts


According to the best SEO agencies in the Philippines, Instagram is one of the best tools you can use to build your business’ brand! Here’s what you need to know


Show off

If your product is something really beautiful – like a set of flowers –  then just take a good photo and post it. You want to show people what you can offer in the most aesthetic way possible. Even if it’s something as mundane as a notebook, take the time to try to capture it in a way that viewers will find to be pleasing to the eye.

Go behind the scene

Showing your audience the human side of your business gives the impression that you aren’t just a company; you’re a group of people willing to help them out! So take pictures of your employees happily working or even interacting with clients. You can even show the process of the job, which will be great for clients to see how you work. If you have a great process, then they will be excited to work with you!

Before and After Picture

Especially when you’re in the field of beautification (like hair and makeup, persona coaching, home renovation, etc.) then posting before and after photos is a must for your Instagram! It will show the results of your work and expertise, which is what potential clients will look for.

Cute Animal Pictures

But only do this if there’s a chance you can smoothly relate a cute dog picture to your business. Like if you make clothes, why not dress up your cute pug in a dog shirt that you made yourself? It’ll definitely get you likes for your dog and attention for your business!

Hype up your Events

If you have an event coming up, then be sure to always update your audience with Instagram posts! For a product launch, show sneak peeks! As for a contest, post the contest details and even a countdown to when it will end. Be sure to place a hashtag too because…


Having a good hashtag is not only good for your brand, but it also opens the opportunity for you to get testimonials! If you have satisfied customers, then ask them to say some nice things along with a good picture on their IG. Then, repost them so that potential clients can see that you can please those that avail of your offers. The great part about this is that it won’t feel like you’re shoving marketing down anyone’s throat.


Basically, don’t’ do too much and don’t do too little. When using Instagram, you should know when to post and how to post. The basic rule of thumb is to not post too often and without too many hashtags. This will come off as annoying and a hard-sell to your audience. Also, keep in mind that people don’t like to see the same thing on all platforms. So don’t post IG pictures on your FB or Twitter all the times. Save those for the important posts.


The key takeaway is, SEO Agencies in the Philippines are right: Instagram is an awesome marketing tool. It can help you to give your audience a reason to trust you. After building your trustworthiness, you just have to do the same practices as some of the best SEO agencies in the Philippines, and you’ll see the orders come pouring in!


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