Key to success in data science!


Data Science is one of the most amazing technological fields which is directly responsible for innovative and effective digital solutions that we have today. It has influenced the global economy significantly and branches emerging out of it are providing ground-breaking results in the world of machines.

Most interestingly, data science has emerged as ‘the dream’ field of career for ambitious and talented individuals world-wide. The job of a data scientist has already been termed as the ‘Sexiest’ of the century by the Harvard Business Review and in essence data science has helped in creating many new jobs which are both good paying and highly revered!  However, many wonders about the key to success in Data Science and most importantly the skills that one should master before venturing out in search of lucrative jobs.

Is Python the key!

Recent surveys by multiple firms suggest that the popularity of Python in Data Science has grown significantly over the last few years. For instance, in a recent survey undertaken by Kaggle on 16000 data science professionals, it was found out that 87% of the total participants use Python regularly for various data science works!

 In another survey conducted by the Analytics India Magazine it was claimed that as many as 44% of data scientists of the entire world use Python!

According to leading technological training firms, most data science job postings mention Python and the demand for Python skills is particularly high in countries like India and Malaysia.

Thus, Python seems like the most important skill to master to launch a career in data science.

But why Python?

Well, if you are wondering that why Python is being preferred more than statistical programming languages like R, then let us discuss a few advantages which Python offers over its rivals:

  • Greatest advantage of Python- Simplicity and Flexibility

Data scientists today come from a variety of background and may or may not possess coding skills. For such individuals, mastering R can be very difficult and even though its not impossible yet data scientists today do not like to spend precious time on coding compliances and memorizing complicated Syntax. Python on the other hand is fairly simple to learn and apply for a variety of data science activities. It has the easiest learning curve and with a Python data science course, in no time you will be using Python like a pro for various data science jobs!

  • Python offers dedicated packages for crucial data science activities

Data scientists requires dedicated software suits capable of handling jobs like data manipulation, advanced scientific calculations and data visualization. Python libraries like NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib offers all of that and are quite popular among data scientists. Pandas is another Python library which is very popular because it offers developing ML and even DL models with it!

Moreover, Python is open-source and boasts a great support community and thus it is gradually becoming ‘The’ data science skill that every budding data scientist should have. And with a Python Data science course in India you can acquire Python skills too!


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