The 24*7 Snacks Vendor

snacks vendor gurgaon

Are you in need of vending services for your place? Then we welcome you to RelishnRun, a company committed to providing vending machine services for everyone. Universities, offices, institutions, hospitals, workplaces, you name it. We provide service for all.

Currently operational in Gurgaon, Delhi and NCR, Relish N Run offers a huge variety of vending choices that are fine tuned for every type of place. From snacks and drinks to fresh healthy food, our customers can avail numerous choices that they deem fit for their place.

The food and drinks options you could avail are numerous. Sandwiches, chips, cold drinks, juices, fruits, desserts and so much more. It is a machine for snacks to appease your heart, drinks that energise, food that fills your tummy and price that is affordable.

The advantages of installing a vending machine at your place are numerous.

It requires next-to-no manpower for having the delicious items. It’s pocket friendly and offers choices that satisfy all types of needs, moods and cravings. Our company itself shall replenish the items on a regular basis ensuring no stale food. It’s efficient and has minimal maintenance cost.

Above all, our machines are like a 24×7 vendor providing quality food for your people as well as those visiting your place.

Our vending machines operate in educational institutions where the students have hugely benefitted from the round-the-clock service. It has aptly resolved the issue of time-constrained, limited food of canteen, giving affordable as well as filling food & drink items in its place.

Vending services is an amazing and in fact, a necessary choice for offices. It’s an answer for early comers, late goers and even clients or visitors of the office who come for a variety of reasons. Health wise too, it adds the option of having consistent small meals throughout the day for the employers.

Not just universities or workplaces, vending machines are a huge bonus for other spaces like hospitals. A lot of manpower gets used up in the numerous facilities required. The vending machines ensure efficiency and self-reliance. It becomes a go-to option for the hundreds visiting every day. Not to mention, the options are delicious too.

Throughout the world, vending machines has flourished. It’s a very useful component for any and every kind of place.

RelishnRun therefore aims at providing this quintessential snack station for students, workers, patients, customers, clients, employees etc. throughout India. It brings the comfort and convenience of a food station open 24×7 within the walls of your place.

Not only are these vending machines a bonus for those working or studying in the place, but also for people from outside who visit for workshops, seminars, talks, meetings, appointments, enquiries etc. It boosts the ambience of the place and makes it friendlier for the fresh faces too.

Interested in availing this amazing choice for your place?

Mail us at or call us at +918447993303.

Do visit us at for knowing more about our venture.


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