Top 5 Six Sigma Features, Principles and Benefits

six sigma certification

In this article, we will be discussing the top 5 six sigma certification features, principles, and benefits. Along the way, we will also mention some points about the six sigma.

Top 5 principles of Six Sigma Certification –

1. Concentrating on customer requirements –

The six sigma methodology places a huge focus on customer requirements. This can be seen very easily from the way the six sigma methodology collects and gathers inputs from potential customers at every step of the way. The process which the six sigma methodology propagates is a process of close customer interaction and lots of data gathering.

By collecting lots of data from the customers, the six sigma team can ensure that the final product or process which they design and implement will meet the needs, interests, concerns, and expectations of the customers fully. In order to learn what the needs, interests, concerns, and expectations of potential customers usually are, one should get a Six Sigma Certification.

2. Using accurate measurement to do error-less statistical analysis –

As we have mentioned in the above point, the six sigma methodology places a lot of focus on gathering and collecting data. This data doesn’t always have to be data related to customer expectations. It can also be data related to the business processes which are present within the business or organization.

With the help of this data, the six sigma team can carry out error-less statistical analysis, or statistical analysis which is free from all kinds of errors and mistakes. The data which the six sigma team collects is nothing but measurements of the various aspects and data points of the business processes.

Six Sigma Certification
Six sigma DMAIC Industrial innovation technology quality control business concept

3. Eliminating variation to continually improve the process –

The six sigma methodology prescribes the method of elimination of variation to improve business processes. This process entails eliminating all kinds of variations from the business processes. The business processes can have a lot of variations in them such as little changes of time, business output, functioning, and design.

The six sigma methodology has as a guideline the instruction to eliminate all these major and minor variations from the business processes in order to improve their quality and functioning. The Six Sigma Certification teaches the learners how to do this.

4. Forming cross-functional six sigma teams –

The six sigma methodology propagates the strategy of forming numerous distinct or separate six sigma teams. These six sigma teams should be cross-functional. This means that these six sigma teams should consist of team members who have many cross-functional skills or who have the skills and abilities to perform a variety of tasks competently and expertly.

5. Being thorough and being flexible –

The six sigma methodology advocates being thorough and being flexible. Thoroughness and flexibility are very core, integral, and important principles of the six sigma methodology. These principles are held to be very important and are enshrined in every guideline and instruction of the six sigma methodology. So all the six sigma team members are expected to be very thorough and methodical in their approach and to have a very flexible mentality.

The Six Sigma Certification has a module on developing a thorough and flexible mentality.

Top 5 features of six sigma –

1. Define –

The first feature of the six sigma methodology is defined. Define means to define the problem. We cannot solve a problem until and unless we have defined it properly. Defining a problem means identifying all the parameters of the problem and set all the limits and boundaries of the problem. Defining a problem also means stating all the facts about the problem very clearly and very precisely.

2. Measure –

The second feature of the six sigma methodology is to measure. To measure means to take very careful and very accurate measurements of all the various aspects of the business processes in a business or organization. Without taking accurate measurements of all the various aspects of the business processes, it is very difficult to understand their functioning and inner workings properly, and without doing that it is impossible to implement the six sigma methodology to improve them.

The Six Sigma Certification places a lot of emphasis on taking careful and accurate measurements.

3. Analyze –

The third step of the six sigma methodology is to analyze all the business processes. When the six sigma team collects and gathers data from the measurements they carry out related to all the various aspects of the business processes, the next step the six sigma methodology advocates is to carry out a thorough analysis of all the data which has been gathered.

By carrying out a thorough analysis of all the data the six sigma team will be able to extract useful patterns from the data, glean meaningful insights from it, and detect and identify emerging trends in the data.

4. Improve –

The fourth step which the six sigma methodology advocates is to improve the business processes. The six sigma methodology has been created primarily to improve the business processes of the various businesses and organizations of the world. So this step can safely be considered to be the most important step in the whole six sigma methodology procedure.

When we talk about improving the business processes, we mean that the six sigma team should draft specific and technical recommendations on how to improve the business processes and forward them to the management staff of the business or organization. The Six Sigma Certification discusses the various ways that exist to improve business processes.

5. Control –

The fifth and final step of the six sigma methodology procedure is the step called control. According to this step, the six sigma team has to control the number of errors and defects in the six sigma manufacturing process. We say manufacturing because the six sigma methodology is used in the manufacturing industry most often, but this step is valid and applicable for every industry the six sigma methodology is used in.

Top 5 benefits of six sigma –

1. You will be able to help your organization by reducing risks and errors –

You will be able to help your organization by reducing risks and errors. The six sigma methodology is very effective at reducing the risks and errors in the business processes. Simply by following the principles and guidelines of the six sigma methodology, the team leaders and project managers of any business or organization can reduce the risks and errors within their business processes.

2. You will lead business process quality improvement –

The six sigma methodology has been created primarily to improve the business processes of the various businesses and organizations of the world. So this step can safely be considered to be the most important step in the whole six sigma methodology procedure.

When we talk about improving the business processes, we mean that the six sigma team should draft specific and technical recommendations on how to improve the business processes and forward them to the management staff of the business or organization.

3. Your value in the eyes of the industries will increase –

Your value in the eyes of all the industries will increase. Any individual who gets a six sigma certification immediately becomes very valuable in the eyes of all the businesses and organizations of the corporate world. The hiring managers of all the industries start clamoring to hire him as soon as possible.

4. You will lead standards compliance –

When any business or organization wishes to launch a new product or service, they have to ensure that the new product or service that they have designed is in compliance with the various international standards set into place by the various regulatory agencies and governing bodies of the world.

5. Companies will place you in managerial positions –

Companies will place you in managerial positions. Any individual who acquires a six sigma certification immediately becomes eligible to be placed in managerial positions. The management staff of the various businesses and organizations of the corporate world are fully aware that the six sigma certification training is a very comprehensive training program.

Thus they know that any individual who possesses the six sigma certification is more than capable of handling a managerial position and thus they make him a project manager at the earliest.


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