Offline Messaging Apps to Stay Connected Without Cellular Data and Internet


Offline Messaging Apps can send a message without an internet connection. Offline messages are the best resolution to get your messages delivered even if you have no internet connectivity. Sometimes you are away from mobile phone network coverage or home; the offline message apps interact through the mesh network.

Here, we will show you some offline messaging apps if you have no net connectivity:


  1. FIRECHAT:- When it comes to sending messages without the Internet or cellular data, Firechat is the most popular app. The reason for the popularity is that this app is available on both Android and iPhone. This app is mostly used in the school campus and public transport, where it’s simple to find large groups of people. The maximum radius of Firechat can reach about 200 feet per device. You can send text, images, and files. Through this app, you can do end to end encryption.


2. BRIDGEFY:- Bridgefy is the popular alternative of Firechat. Through this app, you can interact completely encrypted messages with others without an internet connection. It can send data straight to other smartphones within a range of about 300 feet from you using Bluetooth. This app also supports a broadcast mode where you can send emergency messages to everyone connected to the mesh network at once. This will help in emergencies when you want to make an announcement, or you are in a sports stadium, and you have no network connectivity.

3. PEERCHAT:- Peerchat is an open-source and ends to end encrypted messaging app. This app is for iPhone users through which you can use Bluetooth and WiFi to send messages and files. In this app, you can send emojis also. In this app, the group size is small, which is not too much. You can make a group of only 8 people. As this app is open-source so your data is secure and nobody can view your data.

4. LITECHAT:- LiteChat has a very cool feature that this app permits you to make multiple accounts using the same mobile number. There is no method to share files or videos; you can send text messages to people around you. This app also has a great feature that after 24 hours, all your messages are deleted. Messages will be deleted after the day is over, but you can take the screenshots of your messages if something important. The disadvantages of this app are that you can send only text messages, no photos, or videos.

5. TEXT NEARBY:- Only the iPhone Bluetooth uses text Nearby app. The range is about lower than 33 feet. This app is useful in classrooms or household interactions. In this app, only you and your friends communicate, so no logs. If you know your friends are nearby, you can send text messages. In this, there is no mesh network, and you can send only text messages.

Also read: Best free Music Apps That Don’t Need Data or WiFi


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