New “WhatsApp Pink” Virus Gives an Attacker Whole Access to User Devices


Although WhatsApp is adding more and more privacy-focused characteristics to its platform, it has become a breeding ground for bad online activities. Recently, we have seen a WhatsApp scam that uses a known connection to take control of an account. Not long after this, security researchers found a large flaw in the platform’s ID confirmation system that lets an attacker remotely deactivate a user account permanently. Now, WhatsApp users are met with yet another virus named “WhatsApp Pink” that gives an attacker full access to their devices.

Beware of “WhatsApp Pink”

The virus, which is currently broadcasting in WhatsApp groups as an APK link, supposedly allows an attacker to take full control of your entire device. The warning link comes with the name “WhatsApp Pink” and demands to be an official “new look” for WhatsApp that can turn the app’s color scheme from the boring old green to a brand new pink theme.

First recognized by security researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia, the virus even comes with a pair of images to showcase the new look of WhatsApp in the pink color scheme. Rajaharia shared the images along with a sign on Twitter last Saturday. 

Now, as you can see, the pictures do not look official at all. However, negligent users who are not that tech-savvy might fall into the trap and click on the link to download the application on their device. And, as per Rajaharia, doing this will allow the creator of the virus to take complete control of their devices.

So, if you get a related link to download WhatsApp Pink from, say a family, in your family group, do not click on it to open that link. Moreover, as soon as you get it, you should inform other members of the group to avoid opening the link.

Also read: WhatsApp Business Allows You To Hide Unavailable Products, Better Manage Catalog


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