Major Differences Between Android App Vs iOS App, Which One You Should Go


The app economy is booming and you should think of having an app if you want to leverage your business on the highly fragmented and agile digital platform. Apparently, you have to major platforms for which you need to develop your app that include Android and iOS. Here is the comparison between the two so that you can make the right choice.


Android is the most widely used operating system. The study suggests that there are more than 1 billion users in the world wherein Apple has far less user in comparison. That means you have to choose the right platform according to your strategic plan.

For instance, if your target audience is the android app user, then you should find the android application development company to develop an android app.

The study suggests that men are more likely to spend on Apple products than women. Now, that does not mean that you need to develop an iOS app if you target only men. In fact, spending more money does not necessarily mean that more men have the device. So, if you are planning for iPhones Apps Development, then you should dig a little deeper into it.

Try to find out what devices do they use. For instance, people can use tabs or Apple phones to use apps. In addition, the study suggests that Apple users earn 40 percent more than their Android counterparts.

In addition, Apple users use the latest version of the iOS. That means if you want to develop iOS app, then you should be able to keep up with the technological evolution of Apple and that demands you to have a robust team and resources.

Apple app development process is rather an expensive affair. It’s also time-consuming. You need to also consider the cost of regular and basic maintenance cost because that is not cheap either. In addition, you have other costs too like paying for server space and other charges.

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Usage comparison:

Android is the dominant player in the globe that dominates the web traffic on smart devices. If you think that your audience group falls within this bracket, then you should consider creating an android app.

The study suggests that Android app uses are 4 percent more likely to open the push notification in comparison to 1 percent of Apple. If your strategy entails pushing notification, then you should find the Android app company.

Here is yet another factor that can act as the determining factor. The CPI (Cost per Installation) if you develop an android app, then the CPI will be half of the cost of iOS app.

That means you are likely to reach a bigger audience group. Undoubtedly, that is not good for the business houses that are planning to give paid apps to improve their revenue flow. If you are such a business house, then you should consider developing iOS.

The study suggests that less than 25% of the android users use the latest version of Oreo and Nougat. That means you need to create an app for the older version of the Android operating system.

If you plan to create an android app, then you are in a better position to deploy the app in the Google play store. In fact, it is quick, easy and hassle-free, unlike Apple store deployment.

All you need to care are copyright issues, malware and spyware and you are ready to go.

Development concerns:

Apart from statistical and user comparison you also need to look at the development process too. Apple development process demands developers to use either objective C or swift. Now, that means you need to hireĀ those who are specialized and that might add up to the cost wherein you can spend a little less if you choose an android app.

Which one should you choose?

The statistics reveals that Apple users are wealthy. Now, that does not mean that you should develop iOS just because they are wealthy. In fact, you need to find out your target audience and their preferences.

Similarly, If you develop an android app just because iOS is cheap, then you will make a wrong decision because if your users happen to be the Apple users, then you will waste money.

In addition, you also have to look at the cost and time factor too. Make sure that you sit with your marketing team and plan a strategy. After crafting the strategy, you should sit with the development team and find out the feasibility of your plan and the timeframe.

In brief, it has to be a rational and analytical decision. Note that each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages and you should at smarty to make the platform work to your advantage and that de and you to carry out market research and discuss ideas with your marketing and android app company.


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