Exciting First Day of School Customs


Whether your child’s finally setting her foot in a prep school, or is entering an international school in Manila as a first-grader – make time to celebrate the first day of school with these exciting first-day-of-school customs!

Doing so will definitely motivate your child on attending school.

Pack a special lunch set

If you’ve been to Japan, you’ll definitely be aware of those cute special lunch sets they often pack (regardless of age). While you may not be a 5-star restaurant chef, you’ll definitely be able to come up with a special, healthy lunch meal for your child. You know how much you loved having those when you were a kid, right?

You can also opt to using a different package like those in Pinterest. Perhaps create a special paper bag with your child’s favorite designs? That would definitely boost motivation!

Decorate your child’s room

While your child’s still young, let him/her know that everything about him/her is special. Even the first day of school. You can simply come up with decorating your child’s room with his/her favorite cartoon character and include a special message to brighten his/her day.

Just do it the night before to surprise him/her the next day!

Capture a unique shot of your child with an informative prop

In every occasion, pictures are a must. More so during your child’s first day at school – whether that’s in prep school, kindergarten, or primary school. Everything counts.

But why not make it different? Perhaps, include an informative prop such as a speech bubble with things about her written on it. You may also do this routine every after year to see how she’s growing! That would really be fun.

Stick some notes on her way to school

Why not write some motivational messages on sticky notes and stick them on fences or trees along the way to school? Or maybe around your home where your child would most likely walk through?

Doing so will surely bring joy to your child as she starts her first day at school. More than that, those messages will definitely encourage your child to do great at studying. You’ll never know the power of words.

Create a mini back-to-school interview

Have you tried venturing on fun first-day-of-school customs? Like shooting a mini back-to-school interview with your child? That will definitely be awesome. Not only will you know how she feels about going to school, but also you’ll also get to know your child further especially in terms of her studies.

That could be some unique bond between you two!

Give her a parent-child matching bracelets

It is undeniable that your child may experience jitters from being away from her parents as she goes forth into attending school. To avoid these feelings, or at least keep it minimal – give her something that would remind her that you have her back no matter what. Also, you may include a letter to make her feel that you really are beside her.


With these tips, you’ll surely motivate your child into going to school! Not only that, but you also get to celebrate her first day at school in a unique way.


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