8 Booking Tips Before Checking in at Hotels

8 booking tips before checking in at hotels

Those who are booking hotels for the first time might think that it’s pretty basic. That is, you just have to choose a hotel, specify the dates, input payment information, and you’re done!

But whether you’re booking one of the function rooms in Makati or you’re just seeking a decent place where you can spend the night, you should know that it isn’t as easy as it ought to be.

In an ideal scenario, checking in at hotels should be wholly uncomplicated and fuss-free—but then again, it’s called ideal for a reason.

Unfortunately, most of the time, it’s not always easy. And you might eventually commit blunders that could dampen your hotel experience.

Here are 8 booking tips before checking in at hotels.

  1. Read the reviews.

As with other endeavors, it’s essential that you do your homework—this will help you make smart and informed decisions.

One way of doing this is by sifting through travel websites and the websites of actual hotels.

But it doesn’t end there. Also browse the internet for customers’ reviews. This will give you a glimpse of how other people’s experience with the hotel was like. You’ll also be provided with a more honest and unbiased picture of these hotels, which you sometimes might not get on their official sites.

  1. Check the location.

Utilize the internet to your advantage. Look up the area in Google, as well as the nearby establishments, commercial centers, restaurants, or tourist spots, among others.

You can also check out the street view feature of Google. Better yet, head to the hotel’s site to see everything for yourself. Ensure that the hotel is situated in a place that’s accessible and convenient.

  1. Know what you want.

What exactly are you looking for in a hotel or in a hotel room?

Do you want somewhere that’s quiet? Whatever your preference, it’s best to communicate it to the hotel or to the concierge. This will allow you to get the best out of your hotel experience.

  1. Confirm your reservation.

Contact the hotel a few weeks prior to your stay. Confirm your reservation and also reiterate whatever special requests you might have (such as a room in a quiet area).

  1. Canceling rule.

You should be aware of the cutoff date for safely canceling your reservation; that is, without canceling without any penalty.

  1. Discount offerings.

Get the best out of your stay. Check out any discount that the hotel might be offering, such as senior citizen discounts, government discounts, and so on.

  1. Payment.

When booking online, confirm in the hotel’s website if they’ll be charging your credit card in advance, or it’s fine to pay when you arrive at the hotel. The latter situation is more preferable, since it will be easier for you to cancel your booking should the need arise.

  1. Final bill.

Thoroughly examine the bill before you leave. That is, check every single item that’s included in the bill, as well as their corresponding prices.

Key Takeaway

Whether you’re booking a function room in Makati or you just need a place to stay in during your weekend getaway, you should know that sometimes, booking isn’t as straightforward as it might initially seem. It’s best if you keep these tips in mind to make everything easier for you.


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