British law allows for courts to intervene when parents and doctors disagree on a child's medical treatment

A 12-year-old boy who was comatose in the United Kingdom has died after a lengthy legal battle ended with the determination that doctors could remove him from life support

Archie Battersbee, 12, died at a London hospital around noon on Saturday, about two hours after doctors discontinued treating him

Young Archie has been in a coma since April 7, when he was initially found unconscious in the family’s home

"He went completely blue,'' she said. There is absolutely nothing dignified about watching a family member or a child suffocate

Battersbee’s situation became the latest legal feud that pitted the will of parents against the advice of doctors.

The hospital also testified that Archie’s condition was unstable and that moving him would hasten his death.

On Friday, High Court Judge Lucy Theis sided with the doctors, against the parents' wishes, ruling Archie should remain in the hospital