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Ways to Get Back Strong After Cheat Days

After having a short break with pizza, French fries, Hamburgers and all that good stuff, you will be hit with the reality that you...

Fun Facts About Working Out

Working out doesn’t have to be such a difficult task for beginners. If you have ever visited a gym in Manila or in any other city,...

5 Fitness Tips to Keep You Motivated

If you’re working out in the best gym in the Philippines with the best trainers and the latest equipment, that should be enough to...

Fitness Tips: How to Find the Perfect Gym

Thinking about losing weight? Maybe pump some iron and gain some muscle? Join a gym! There are numerous gyms in manila that can cater...

8 Immune-Boosting Hacks for the Holidays

Who doesn’t get all keyed up whenever the holiday season arrives? I’m sure all of us turn akin to giddy kids at the prospect...

Nutritional Advice for Gym Starters

So you’ve finally decided to embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. However, if you think that your preparations end with enrolling in...
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