There is no doubt that gaming is the love of a ton of people. For a lot of people, gaming is their hobby and favorite way to enjoy the time. Some have craze of playing thrilling games some have craze of playing an adventure game, etc. But have you ever thought of starting a Youtube Gaming Channel ?

If you’re a good gamer, you can achieve a bunch of things by creating a youtube channel

In this article I’ll explain what you need to start a Gaming Channel


Most of your audience would want to see a face instead of just seeing a screen of a game going on. Your Expressions your expertise your hand movements and many more gestures and gait are judged by your audience, so you should use a webcam while recording a video.

Whenever you play a game it is not the same way you have played other game, every time you face new challenges your expressions changes and everytime you record your audience want to see your views on that particular game. Many children audience watch your video just because you are giving the perfect review that they want to have before buying.

Try new Games

Every time you record a new video make sure you are playing the latest or the most popular game. Most of the other people record latest games because audience want the latest game everytime they watch the channel. They don’t want you to be playing a decade old game, reasons are clear, we love to watch and review what we don’t have. This helps us generating interest plus exciting for that particular thing, here it is the game.

Invest some bucks and buy the latest game.

There is a different type of games in the market: thrilling, adventurous, story, stunt games, scary games etc. You should pick those game, which is the interest of most of the children.

Acknowledge Audience

Your audience is not your puppet. They are there because you are considering them unless you acknowledge them in your video they are not going to watch your videos.

Try to give attention to them, provide them with knowledge of the game you are playing. Tell your audience what they will love in different parts of that game or what are the challenges you are facing while playing the game.

Avoid disclosing the secrets to them, some will not like to know how you did it. The makers of the games would not like if you disclose each and every secret because they have invested a lot of amount in making the game.

Some audience is there watching your video because while playing the same game you are telling them the solutions to the challenges they are facing. But don’t tell them the deep secrets or the storylines, you can skip the storylines in edit and majorly focus on the gameplay.


The microphone works as the main equipment for recording a video. Your voice is the main thing that matters in the video. Your audience is there for the reason you communicate with them while recording video. Whatever the tools, the challenges, the things you are facing while recording the video you say it on a mic and your voice matters this time.

Your voice communicates what you want to tell. Be clear with your words, do not fumble while recording audio, maintain silence in the background, do not use bad words, and never talk about challenges negatively. Take challenges positively with words too. Here is an article that lists some good microphones for youtubers.

Editing Softwares

After recording what you are going to do next is recording. Your videos should be of good quality at first. Secondly, download or get the editing apps, or if you already have the apps, that’s great.

For editing video using Final Cut Pro for Mac. For Windows platforms, you can use Cyber link Power Director, Sony Vegas etc.

For editing audio use Audacity, Nuendo, Sound Forge, Adobe Audition etc.

For editing photos for thumbnail and poster, you can use Photoshop, Pixlr etc.

Be careful while you edit, each and every sound should be mixed with the gameplay or the recording.

There is a expertise while recording, while you start or end up your recording, always stay on cam for 4 to 5 seconds before and after the recording. This helps in editing, and you won’t face any challenges regarding going out of frame.


To be shown as a professional gamer, you should invest some money buying a good CPU, or modifying the old one, or if you have a Gaming PC, that’s great. Your CPU hardware must have a Good Graphics card, Ram at least to 16 GB. Because while playing and recording your PC or Laptop, should not hang otherwise you won’t be able to record and play at same speed.

You PC should be highly build up because games are now with high graphics and no one would watch games running on low graphics.

You should invest some money in buying a Mouse and Keyboard, this will interest you more on playing.

Scheduled Timing

Whatever you do online, you should schedule your timing.

Your audience gets trained to see you on particular timing of the week. Do not take your audience for granted, you are not a big superstar or famous person for whom audience crave to see. You should make a proper schedule in order to upload content regularly.

Being just an ordinary gamer you should upload your content on a specific day and time of the week.

Make a schedule for the day and follow that schedule carefully, end up your tasks beforehand, otherwise, you won’t be able to connect fully with your audience. Even give time reading the comments of the people, either you like those comments or not.

Gaming channel is not a big task to make you can make a gaming channel whenever you want but all you need is some professional skills of playing and investment in setting up a gaming system.

Promote yourself on different media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Apply the above-mentioned points and you will succeed in making a Gaming Channel. If you have any doubts or questions, drop them in comments below.


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